Metaphysics for Everyone

Metaphysics for Everyone

by Connie Mendez

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This book is not written for academic study; it is written to be understood and used. A college degree in psychology, philosophy, or metaphysics isn't required. All you need is a desire to achieve a richer, more fulfilling life and apply the basic truths you'll find in these pages.

It is estimated that we use only about 10 percent of our brain cells—ten percent of our potential mental powers. But those dormant, unused cells are there, waiting, ready to be awakened every time we hear, read, or experience something new. The second time we come across that new thought or experience, more cells are aroused, more connections are made, and we understand it a little better.

Within a short while, the mind becomes enlightened as more and more awakened cells begin to work on the new concept. In other words, the acceptance and understanding of ideas is an automatic process that begins with the simple activity of repetition. There is no superhuman effort, no burst of genius required—only the desire to learn and the patience to read and re-read until the ideas behind the words become automatic. And suddenly, or so it seems, understanding is there.

It's that simple.

Carry this book with you. Keep a copy next to your favorite chair or the bedside table. Read and re-read, especially when you are faced with a problem or a distressing life situation. You'll discover something truly amazing—you will open the book at random, and within a few sentences, you'll find yourself thinking, This could have been written for me.And you'll be right—it was.

Jesus Christ said, "In my Father's house, there are many mansions." Metaphysics is one of these mansions, or dimensions. It is the study of mental and spiritual laws. It does not deal with spiritualism itself, although that is another of those mansions.

This little book has brought peace, fulfillment, and prosperity to many. May it bring them to you, and may you be blessed.

Chapter 1: Dynamic Christianity

Before you undertake any job—from a career to tuning up your own car—you have to know something about it. You go to school; you apprentice yourself to someone skilled in that particular field.

It's just common sense.

And yet, there is one job we all find ourselves thrust blindly into—untrained, uneducated, without the vaguest idea of the hazards involved or the goals to be achieved. And it is the most difficult job on Earth: the job of life.

To make it even more confusing, we don’t even know what life is all about. It is full of contradictions.

Why do some people, born with wealth, health, and good fortune, turn all these advantages into a downward spiral of misfortune and misery?
Why do others achieve good fortune without visible effort?

We search for the logic behind these contradictory facts—the rules of the game we find ourselves caught up in. We make guesses, suppositions, and indulge in wishful thinking. And still, most of us are as puzzled at the hour of our death as we were at the hour of our birth.

What was it all about?

There is one great truth that can guide us in the direction of understanding:

What you think is.
Thoughts are things.
Your thoughts and attitudes determine everything that happens in your life.

What you think about yourself, about others, about the world and events that surround you—this controls your life.And you are at the controls.

Like all great truths, this fact is startlingly simple to put into words:

  • If you think you are healthy, you will be healthy.
  • But if you turn your thinking around and begin to fear illness, you will feel ill. And feeling sick is being sick.
  • If you were born into riches, you will likely continue to grow in wealth—unless someone convinces you that destiny exists and that you have no control over it. Then, any little setback will magnify itself into a catastrophe.
  • If you believe that your fortunes have changed, they will.

Your life and everything that happens to you is a product of the beliefs you hold and the words you say.

This is a principle, a basic unchanging law, called The Principle of Mentalism.

If you believe that accidents lurk around every corner, waiting to happen to you...
If you are convinced that the ailments of old age are inevitable...
If you are certain that bad luck dogs your every step...

Then all these beliefs will manifest themselves in everything you do.

But just the opposite is equally true:

  • If you believe that only good will come to you, then it will.
  • This is called a self-fulfilling prophecy—when you make a prediction, good or bad, you begin to make it come true.

We are never conscious of all the ideas that inhabit our minds. Their formation is continuous, building on everything we hear, see, and learn. Yet, our actions are the product of those ideas—the majority of which lie below the level of conscious thought.

And we are just as ignorant of the very laws that govern our lives—the so-called laws of creation.

We spend our lives haphazardly constructing conditions that conflict with those laws—blindly, without compass or rudder. We watch grand ideas turn into disappointments, blaming our failures on life itself, and chalking it all up to "the will of God."

Chapter 1: Dynamic Christianity (Continued)

Since you’ve read this far, you’ve probably begun to realize that a human being is not—as you may have been led to believe—a sea-tossed cork with no direction other than the whims of fate.

Far from it.

Man’s life, his world, his circumstances, and the events of his life are the products of his creation and his alone.

He is the ruler of his own mental empire. And if he chooses to believe that he is that storm-racked cork, he is free to be so.

"Free" is the key word here.

To be born with free will means to have the individual right to choose one’s own direction.

  • We can think positively or negatively.
  • We can think optimistically or pessimistically.
  • We can think of evil and ugliness and bring them into being.
  • Or we can think of beauty, goodness, and happiness and create them in our environment—both external and internal.

Metaphysics has always taught that what we think about most strongly and most often passes into our subconscious, where it establishes itself and becomes a reflex. Modern psychology has only recently rediscovered this ancient truth.

When a human being finds himself immersed in the ocean of his ignorance, in a disaster of his own making, he will usually turn to God and pray for deliverance. And it appears that sometimes, God will hear him—and sometimes not.

If not, family and friends will offer the inadequate consolation that "it is God's will."

It sounds like another way of saying "God’s ill will"—at least to the person involved.

But this is in direct conflict with what we have been taught about the Creator. He is our Father, full of love and compassion, infinitely wise, eternally and mercifully with us.

How can such a wise and loving Father allow such suffering for His own children?

We, as merely mortal parents, could never bring ourselves to inflict such punishment on our children. We could never condemn a child to eternal flames for making the natural mistakes of childlike ignorance.

Yet we seem to believe that God could do so—that He is like some capricious schoolmaster, petulant, vindictive, and full of ill will, always on the watch for the slightest misdeed and quick to subject us to the most unfair and disproportionate punishments.

This is the way we thought in our infancy, before we learned the rules of behavior. And this is the way we must continue to think until we learn the rules of life.

The Seven Laws of Creation

We have already learned that the calamities of life are of our own creation.

This is one way in which we are fashioned in God’s image and likeness.

Each and every one of us is the creator of our own circumstances.

So why does it seem that God hears us at some times and not at others?

The answer lies in the nature of prayer.

  • Prayer is the purest and highest form of thought.
  • It is polarizing the mind to the highest possible degree.
  • When we pray—when we think of and toward God—we create vibrations of mental light.

Thoughts of God transform the darkness surrounding us as if we brought a brilliant lamp into the darkest of rooms.

If we pray to God as a loving, caring Father who wishes nothing but joy and fulfillment for His children, He will listen.

But if we pray, as so many of us do, in terms such as:

"Please, God, solve this problem for me—even though I know I somehow deserve to be miserable, and this is all some kind of test of my worth, which I don’t understand..."

—then all we are telling Him is that we really don’t think our prayers are worthy of being answered.

Furthermore, we are praying to that malevolent schoolmaster—that vindictive God who supposedly delights in condemning us for our transgressions.

In other words, we’re praying to the wrong God.

And, to paraphrase: You get what you pray for.

The Seven Universal Laws

God is not the judge, the policeman, the tyrant, or the executioner that so many of us have been taught He is.

He is simply the one who created the laws of existence.

Whether we choose to abide by them or ignore them is our decision. And the results of such a decision are our doing.

There are seven of these laws—seven principles that govern all things at all times.

They are unchanging and unending. They are the order and harmony of all creation.

These are the Seven Universal Laws:

  1. The Principle of Mentalism – Everything begins in the mind; our thoughts create our reality.
  2. The Principle of Correspondence – "As above, so below; as within, so without." Our external world mirrors our internal world.
  3. The Principle of Vibration – Everything is in motion; nothing rests.
  4. The Principle of Polarity – Everything has an opposite; what seems like opposites are actually two extremes of the same thing.
  5. The Principle of Rhythm – Everything moves in cycles; patterns repeat.
  6. The Principle of Cause and Effect – Every action has a corresponding reaction.
  7. The Principle of Gender – Everything has both masculine and feminine qualities; these principles exist in balance.

The Power of Thought

The soul has no need for policemen or judges—for he who does not abide by these laws creates his own punishment.

Therefore, once you have learned these laws and have learned to think correctly, you will automatically be following the laws, and all the good that God wishes for you will show itself.

Saint Paul said that God is closer to us than our feet, our hands, and the very air we take into our lungs.

We do not have to shout for Him to hear.

Merely thinking of Him is enough.

The disarray of our lives will begin to rearrange itself into order.

He created us and knows us better than we can know ourselves.
He knows why we behave as we do.
He does not expect us to behave as saints when we are only learning to walk in this spiritual life.

At this point, I don’t want you to believe a single word I have written without proving it to yourself.

This is your divine and sovereign right.

Don’t do as you have done in the past—accepting all you are told and all that you see at face value.

Instead, take the opportunity to judge for yourself between good and evil.

Part 3: The Mechanics of Thought & The Power of the Subconscious Mind

The Mechanics of Thought

Awake or asleep, we spend 24 hours a day in unceasing thought.

Like an unedited film, disconnected thoughts run through our minds, triggered by every sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, or experience.

A few of these thoughts we hold on to and examine more closely than others.


Because these few have stimulated some feeling within us—whether a feeling of fear or repulsion, affection or attraction. It isn’t the nature of the feeling but the strength of it that determines its impact. The interest it holds makes us concentrate on it—perhaps even mention it to someone else.

It is this repetition, this strength of interest, that leads a thought into the unconscious, where it is engraved in memory.

This process is called meditation.

Once an idea is etched into the subconscious, it becomes a reflex.

Just as your leg jerks when the doctor taps your knee with a rubber hammer, you experience a feeling, an attitude, or a reaction when one of those deeply engraved ideas is triggered by an event in your life.

Your attitude reflects the original feeling you experienced when you first pondered that idea.

In metaphysics, this is called a concept—a belief or conviction that has been implanted in your mind.

The Power of the Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind does not think for itself. It cannot protest. It does not have free will.

Its only function is to summon up a reflex response based on the commands it has received from the conscious mind.

In this sense, it is like a computer—more complex than any storage system ever made.

But it is also completely emotionless.

  • It does not have a sense of humor.
  • It does not distinguish between an order given jokingly or a serious command.

If your nose is slightly larger than society’s “standards of beauty,” you may jokingly refer to it as a "potato nose" as a minor defense mechanism.

But your humorless subconscious mind will attempt to carry out your command in the most literal sense—to make your nose look more and more like your description.

Soon, it will—at least in your own eyes.

And because of repetition, others will begin to notice, too.

  • You will unconsciously begin to hold your head at a certain angle to emphasize what you have described.
  • You will repeat that phrase so often that people will start seeing what they might not have noticed before.

Metaphysics: The Science Beyond the Physical

The word "metaphysics" means beyond the physical.

Metaphysics is the science that deals with all things undetectable by the five physical senses.

It explains the mysteries that surround us, the things we don’t understand.

Yet, as shrouded as the subject may seem, metaphysics is a precise science.

A fact you will soon discover for yourself.

Do you remember the first time you heard the phrase "catch a cold"?

Probably not. But your subconscious does.

It was said by your elders, who taught you that a cold was something to be feared or avoided. And through repetition, you absorbed their belief.

  • “Never get your feet wet.”
  • “Don’t get caught in a draft.”
  • “Stay away from people who are coughing, sneezing, or sniffling, because you’ll soon be doing the same.”

Little by little, these ideas became engraved in your subconscious.

Your mind accepted the idea that getting wet or being around sick people would result in illness.

So what happens?

Your subconscious follows the instructions.

Whenever you get caught in one of those “cold-catching” situations, your body manifests the symptoms of a cold—because that is what your subconscious has been trained to do.

Some people don’t even need exposure to germs.

  • The moment they hear about a virus going around, they feel a tickle in the back of their throat.

We know today that colds aren’t actually caused by wet feet or open windows.

But the idea is already there—firmly implanted, rooted in belief, and resistant to reason.

  • And mass media—TV, radio, and advertising—have done their best to reinforce those erroneous beliefs.

The influences of your formative years have become automatic reflexes—the hidden forces shaping your health, circumstances, and entire life.

The Infallible Formula for Changing Your Life

We now understand that the human mind is a storehouse of accumulated opinions, concepts, and convictions—many of which are false. These errors in thought are what manifest as sickness, accidents, pain, arguments, disharmony, poverty, failure, and even death. Fortunately, there is a way to erase these false beliefs. And once replaced with truth, the negative influences disappear.

This is the infallible formula:

Whenever something undesirable happens to you—

  • You fall ill.
  • You have an accident.
  • You are robbed.
  • You are offended.
  • You suffer a personal loss.

Do this immediately:

  1. Recognize that you have been the cause.

    • No one else is responsible.
    • Your past thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs have shaped your present reality.
  2. Know that the truth is harmony.

    • If a situation is not born of harmony, it is not truth—it is an illusion.
    • Deny the power of the negative event.
  3. Make the following affirmation:

    • "I do not accept this. I declare the truth of this problem to be harmony, love, intelligence, justice, abundance, life, health, and joy."
    • "Thank you, Father, for I know you have heard me."

You do not have to believe this yet.

You only have to repeat it with conviction.

As you continue applying this process, you will see your reality shift.

Part 4: The Law of Mentalism & The Power of Decrees

The Truth Will Set You Free

Jesus Christ, the greatest of the metaphysical masters, said:

"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." 
        (John 8:32)

So, what is the truth? Simply put: It is perfect harmony. If what is happening to you is not born of harmony—if it is not based on justice, goodness, freedom, health, wisdom, love, and joythen it is not truth. It acts in contradiction to harmony. It is a lie.

Your higher self is a perfect being.

  • It cannot become ill because it is life.
  • Because it is life, it cannot die.
  • It cannot age, suffer, fear, or sin.
  • It has no need to fight.
  • It is unchanging.
  • It is beauty, love, intelligence, wisdom, and joy.

This is the truth.

It is your truth and mine—the truth of every human being, now and forever.

This does not mean that every human being is God—no more than a single drop of water is the ocean. But that drop is a part of the ocean. And it contains within itself all that is the ocean.

What You Create Reflects Your Beliefs

Everything that happens to you—your experiences, circumstances, relationships—
they are all reflections of the beliefs you hold within you.

If your life is filled with:

  • Pain
  • Struggle
  • Sickness
  • Financial problems

Then those things exist because you have believed, consciously or unconsciously, that they are part of life.

  • If you believe that poverty is inevitable, you will always struggle financially.
  • If you believe that age brings illness, your body will respond accordingly.
  • If you believe that accidents are unavoidable, you will find yourself attracting them.

Your thoughts create your world.

But just as negative beliefs create negative realities,
positive beliefs create positive realities.

  • If you believe in health, you will be healthy.
  • If you believe in abundance, you will attract wealth.
  • If you believe in joy, your life will be filled with happiness.

This is The Principle of Mentalism—the first and most powerful of the universal laws.

The Law of Mentalism

"The All is Mind. The Universe is Mental." (The Kybalion)

This means that everything begins in the mind.

Your reality is a projection of your thoughts.

Think of your mind like a garden.

  • If you plant seeds of fear, doubt, and negativity, your garden will grow weeds of failure, sickness, and limitation.
  • If you plant seeds of faith, love, and abundance, your garden will grow fruits of success, joy, and prosperity.

You are the gardener.

And your life is the harvest.

The Power of Decrees

Every spoken word is a decree.

It is a command given to the universe.

Jesus said:

"For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." (Matthew 12:37)

Most people interpret this to mean that others will judge us by our words.

While this is true, it is not the full meaning.

Jesus was a metaphysician, and he spoke in metaphysical truths.

What he meant was that:

  • The words you speak become the reality you experience.
  • The thoughts you think create the world you live in.

Your Words Are Creating Your Future

Pay attention to how people speak.

You will hear constant self-imposed curses:

  • "Business is rotten."
  • "We'll never get there in this traffic."
  • "I always get sick this time of year."
  • "With my luck, I'll probably lose my job."
  • "Money slips through my fingers like water."

People say these things casually, never realizing that they are shaping their own future.

  • The more you say “I’m always broke,” the more financial struggles will manifest.
  • The more you say “Nothing ever goes my way,” the more obstacles you will encounter.
  • The more you say “I always get sick,” the weaker your body becomes.

Never forget this:

Every word you utter is a decree.
What you declare with conviction will manifest in your life.

Reprogramming Your Mind for Success

If your subconscious has been programmed with negative beliefs, you must reprogram it with truth.

To do this, you must speak truth into existence.

You must reverse negative decrees and affirm positive realities.

Here are some examples:

Negative Decree Positive Affirmation
"I always get sick." "I am healthy and full of energy."
"I never have enough money." "Abundance flows to me effortlessly."
"I am always unlucky." "My life is filled with blessings."
"I am not good enough." "I am worthy of all the good in life."

The more you repeat these affirmations, the more they become engraved in your subconscious.

And once they take root, your life will begin to reflect them.

The Power of Gratitude

The most powerful affirmation you can speak is:

"Thank you, Father, for I know you have heard me."

Gratitude is the key to receiving. Jesus demonstrated this power when he:

  • Broke the bread and multiplied it for the five thousand.
  • Turned water into wine at the wedding feast.

He did not beg for a miracle. He gave thanks before the miracle happened.

He declared:

"Thank you, Father, for I know you have heard me."

When you give thanks in advance, you affirm your belief that what you desire is already on its way.

  • If you desire health, say “Thank you, Father, for my perfect health.”
  • If you desire wealth, say “Thank you, Father, for my abundant prosperity.”
  • If you desire love, say “Thank you, Father, for the love that fills my life.”

Believe before you receive, and it shall be given unto you.

Part 5: Fear, Faith, and the Power of Thought

Faith Can Move Mountains

You’ve probably heard this saying before:

“Faith can move mountains.”

It has been repeated countless times—yet few people truly understand what it means. Faith is not just a religious concept. It is a universal law that operates in every aspect of life. But here’s something you may not have considered:

Fear can move mountains, too.

Faith and fear are two sides of the same principle.

  • Faith is belief in good.
  • Fear is belief in evil.

When you fear something, you are believing in its power.

And because you believe in it, it manifests in your life.

  • If you fear failure, you will attract failure.
  • If you fear sickness, your body will weaken.
  • If you fear accidents, you will encounter dangerous situations.

Just as faith in success brings success,
faith in disaster brings disaster.

How Fear Creates Reality

Think of a time when you were absolutely certain something bad was going to happen.

Maybe you had a feeling that:

  • You would fail a test.
  • You would get sick before an important event.
  • Your trip would be delayed or ruined.

And sure enough—it happened.

You might have even said:

“I knew it! I could feel it coming.”

But what really happened?

Your thoughts were so focused on that negative outcome that you brought it into existence.

This is called a self-fulfilling prophecy.

It happens because whatever you expect with strong emotion will come true.

  • You don’t fear that something good will happen.
  • You don’t say, “I have faith that something bad is coming.”

You fear bad things, and you have faith in good things.

And whatever you put strong emotion into—whether positive or negative—becomes reality.

Fear Is Faith in Reverse

Saint Paul said:

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Faith is certainty. But this certainty must be based on knowledge. You don’t fear that you’ll step onto a plane and accidentally end up on the moon. Why?

Because you know better. You have knowledge.

“Fear is simply faith in the wrong direction.”

If you can believe in bad things happening,
then you can just as easily believe in good things happening.

And the same principle will apply.

Turning Fear into Faith

If you want to stop attracting negative experiences, you must change what you believe.

This does not happen instantly, but it can happen gradually.

Here’s how:

  1. Identify a fear that holds you back.

    • What is something you always worry about?
    • What negative belief do you repeat to yourself?
  2. Reverse the belief with a positive affirmation.

    • If you fear sickness → Say “I am healthy and strong.”
    • If you fear failure → Say “Success comes to me easily.”
    • If you fear loneliness → Say “I am surrounded by love and friendship.”
  3. Repeat it until it feels natural.

    • You may not believe it at first. That’s okay.
    • The more you repeat it, the more it will sink into your subconscious.
  4. Act as if it’s already true.

    • Speak and think as if the positive belief is already real.
    • Your subconscious will begin to accept it as truth.

Before long, you will start seeing changes in your reality.

What you once feared will stop happening.
And what you once dreamed of will start happening.

The Power of Expectation

Jesus said:

“All things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” (Matthew 21:22)

Saint Mark also stated:

“Whatsoever things you desire when you pray, believe that you receive them, and ye shall have them.”

Faith is not wishful thinking.

Faith is expectation.

And expectation creates reality.

  • If you expect things to go wrong, they will.
  • If you expect things to work out, they will.

Expectation is faith in action.

How to Strengthen Your Faith

If you want to increase your faith and create a more positive reality,
here’s what you need to do:

  1. Be aware of what you are expecting.

    • Are you expecting good things or bad things?
    • Your life is a mirror of your expectations.
  2. Replace negative expectations with positive ones.

    • If you expect bad luck, change it to: “I am blessed in all things.”
    • If you expect problems, change it to: “Everything works out perfectly for me.”
  3. Give thanks in advance.

    • Say “Thank you, Father, for I know you have heard me.”
    • When you express gratitude before receiving, you activate the power of faith.

What You Speak, You Become

Never forget:

“Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh.”
    (Matthew 12:34)

This means that what you say is a reflection of what you believe.

The next time you catch yourself saying something negative,
stop and correct it immediately.

For example:

If you say... Change it to...
"I am always unlucky." "Luck is always on my side."
"I never have enough money." "Money flows to me effortlessly."
"I hate my job." "I am grateful for new opportunities."
"I feel sick." "I am full of health and vitality."

The more you speak positively,
the more you will believe positively.

And once you believe positively,
your world will reflect it back to you.

The Law of Cause and Effect

There is no such thing as coincidence.

Everything that happens in your life is the result of a cause.

And what is the greatest cause?

Your thoughts.

Your thoughts create your:

  • Health
  • Wealth
  • Success
  • Happiness
  • Relationships

Every moment, you are sending out thoughts
and those thoughts are creating your future experiences.

If you want to change your life,
you must change your thoughts.

Part 6: The Law of Vibration & The Science of Attraction

Everything is Energy

One of the most important universal laws is the Law of Vibration.

“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”
     (The Kybalion)

This means that everything in the universe—every object, every thought, every feeling—is in constant motion.

  • The chair you sit on appears solid, but its molecules are vibrating at high speeds.
  • Your emotions, thoughts, and desires also have a frequency—a vibration.
  • The higher the vibration, the more positive the experience.
  • The lower the vibration, the more negative the experience.

Everything you experience is a result of your own vibration.

Your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs determine the frequency you emit.

And the universe responds by bringing you experiences that match your frequency.

The Law of Attraction

You may have heard of The Law of Attraction.

It is often misunderstood, but it is a natural consequence of the Law of Vibration.

Simply put:

Like attracts like.

You attract into your life what you focus on, what you believe in, and what you expect.

If you:

  • Think about problems, you attract more problems.
  • Think about success, you attract opportunities.
  • Think about love, you attract relationships.

The stronger the emotion behind your thoughts, the faster they manifest.

How to Shift Your Vibration

If your current reality is not what you desire,
it means your vibration is not aligned with what you want.

Here’s how you can raise your vibration and attract better experiences:

  1. Become aware of your thoughts.

    • What are you focusing on daily?
    • Are you dwelling on problems or solutions?
  2. Eliminate negative influences.

    • Avoid gossip, complaints, and pessimistic people.
    • Be mindful of the TV, music, and media you consume.
  3. Practice gratitude.

    • Nothing raises vibration faster than appreciation.
    • Start and end each day by listing things you are grateful for.
  4. Speak only what you want to create.

    • Replace complaints with affirmations.
    • Example: Instead of saying “I am always struggling,” say “Abundance flows to me easily.”
  5. Surround yourself with positivity.

    • Spend time in nature, listen to uplifting music, read inspiring books.
    • Surround yourself with people who uplift and empower you.
  6. Feel as if your desire is already fulfilled.

    • Instead of wishing, feel the joy as if it has already happened.
    • The universe responds to your emotional state more than your words.

Your Emotional Guidance System

Your emotions are the best indicator of your vibration.

When you feel:

  • Happy, inspired, excited, grateful → You are vibrating at a high frequency.
  • Angry, fearful, stressed, anxious → You are vibrating at a low frequency.

To shift your reality, you must shift your emotions.

The quickest way?

Focus on something that makes you feel good.

It doesn’t matter what it is—just something that lifts your spirit.

  • Listen to your favorite music.
  • Watch something funny.
  • Spend time with people who make you laugh.
  • Do something creative.
  • Take a walk and breathe deeply.

The moment you raise your emotional state,
you shift into a higher vibration.

And once you shift your vibration, your reality will begin to change.

The Science Behind Manifestation

This is not just philosophy.

Quantum physics confirms that:

  1. Everything is energy.
  2. Thoughts have a measurable frequency.
  3. Your focus directs the energy field around you.

Your beliefs and expectations literally affect the material world.

Dr. Masaru Emoto’s experiments with water crystals demonstrated this beautifully:

  • Water exposed to positive words and intentions formed beautiful, symmetrical crystals.
  • Water exposed to negative words became chaotic and distorted.

Since the human body is 70% water, imagine what your own words and thoughts are doing to you!

  • If negative words can alter water molecules, imagine what they do to your cells.
  • If positive thoughts can create beauty in water, imagine what they do to your life.

Your thoughts and emotions have real power
power that shapes your reality.

Manifesting with Precision

If you want to attract a specific desire, you must:

  1. Be clear about what you want.

    • Instead of saying, “I want more money,” say, “I attract financial abundance easily and effortlessly.”
    • Instead of saying, “I want to be happy,” say, “I radiate joy and positivity in all areas of my life.”
  2. Feel the emotion of having it now.

    • The universe does not respond to words alone.
    • It responds to feelings.
    • Feel the excitement, relief, and gratitude as if it has already happened.
  3. Let go of the “how.”

    • Do not worry about how it will happen.
    • Your job is to align with the vibration of your desire.
    • The universe will handle the details.
  4. Take inspired action.

    • When you feel an inner nudge to do something, act on it.
    • The universe often delivers opportunities through ideas and impulses.
  5. Trust the process.

    • Impatience and doubt lower your vibration.
    • Trust that everything is happening at the perfect time.

What to Avoid When Manifesting

🚫 Doubt & Worry – These lower your frequency and block your desire.
🚫 Complaining & Negativity – The universe mirrors what you focus on.
🚫 Forcing & Obsessing – Let go and allow things to unfold naturally.

Instead, focus on:

Trusting that your desire is already on its way.
Maintaining a high vibration through joy and gratitude.
Allowing the universe to work in perfect timing.

Your Life is a Mirror

Everything you see outside of you is a reflection of what is happening inside of you.

  • If you want more love, become more loving.
  • If you want more success, develop a successful mindset.
  • If you want more abundance, appreciate what you already have.

The outer world always reflects the inner world.

If you change within,
your world will change without.

Part 7: The Power of Decrees & The Spoken Word

Your Words Create Reality

One of the most powerful metaphysical truths is this:

“Every word you speak is a decree.”

This means that:

  • Every time you say something, you are making a declaration to the universe.
  • The words you speak shape your circumstances, your health, and your future.

Jesus emphasized this truth when he said:

“For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” (Matthew 12:37)

This means the words you say determine what happens in your life.

  • If you speak success, you will experience success.
  • If you speak failure, you will experience failure.

Every spoken word is an affirmation that will eventually become your reality.

How Negative Words Affect You

Most people unknowingly make negative decrees every day.

Here are some common examples:

“I never have enough money.”
“I always get sick this time of year.”
“Nothing ever goes right for me.”
“I’m just unlucky.”

Each time you say these words, you are reinforcing that reality.

You are telling your subconscious mind and the universe that this is your truth—
and the universe will make sure it remains true.

Your subconscious does not question whether something is good or bad.

It only knows to carry out the command.

The Power of Positive Decrees

If your words have the power to shape your life,
why not use them to create a better reality?

Here’s how you can transform your speech into a tool for success:

1. Replace Negative Decrees with Positive Ones

Instead of saying... Say this...
"I can't afford this." "Money flows to me easily."
"I'm always sick." "I am healthy and full of energy."
"I am unlucky." "Good fortune follows me everywhere."
"I hate my job." "I am grateful for my career opportunities."
"Nothing ever works out for me." "Everything is working out perfectly for me."

Your words must be aligned with the reality you want to create.

2. Speak as if it’s Already True

When you make a decree, speak in the present tense.

Instead of saying:

  • “One day I will be successful.”
  • “I am already successful in everything I do.”

Your subconscious mind only responds to the present tense.

  • It does not understand "one day."
  • It only understands now.

So speak as if what you want has already happened.

3. Use Emotion and Conviction

The more emotion and belief you put behind your words,
the faster they will manifest.

If you casually say an affirmation with no feeling,
it has little effect.

But if you declare it with certainty and joy,
it becomes a powerful force.

  • Say it with excitement.
  • Say it with gratitude.
  • Say it as if you are announcing something amazing.

This raises your vibration and aligns you with the reality you are creating.

4. End Your Decrees with Gratitude

Every decree should end with:

“Thank you, Father, for I know you have heard me.”

This simple phrase seals the declaration with faith.

  • It tells the universe that you expect it to be done.
  • It removes doubt and allows the manifestation to unfold.

Decrees for Every Area of Life

Here are powerful decrees you can start using today:

🌟 Decrees for Wealth & Abundance:

💰 “Money flows to me easily and effortlessly.”
💰 “I am financially free and secure.”
💰 “Prosperity surrounds me in all areas of my life.”

🌟 Decrees for Health & Vitality:

🌿 “My body is strong, healthy, and full of energy.”
🌿 “Every cell in my body radiates perfect health.”
🌿 “I am filled with life and vitality.”

🌟 Decrees for Love & Relationships:

❤️ “I am surrounded by love and positivity.”
❤️ “Every relationship in my life is harmonious and fulfilling.”
❤️ “I give and receive love effortlessly.”

🌟 Decrees for Success & Career:

🏆 “Success follows me in everything I do.”
🏆 “I attract endless opportunities for growth and prosperity.”
🏆 “I am respected and valued for my talents and skills.”

What Happens When You Start Using Decrees?

When you start speaking positive words daily:

✅ Your thoughts will begin to change.
✅ Your beliefs will start shifting.
✅ Your actions will align with your words.
✅ The universe will mirror back to you the reality you declare.

At first, it may feel unnatural if you are used to negative self-talk.

But the more you repeat these decrees, the more natural they will feel—
until they become your new reality.

Your Words Are Your Power

Jesus said:

“Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”(Matthew 7:7)

This is not just a religious saying.

It is a universal truth.

  • You ask with your words.
  • You seek with your thoughts.
  • You knock by taking action.

Everything you speak, think, and do creates the life you experience.

Use your words wisely, powerfully, and positively—
and watch how your reality transforms.

Part 8: The Principle of Correspondence & The Power of Harmony

As Within, So Without

One of the most profound metaphysical truths is:

“As it is above, so it is below; as it is below, so it is above.”

This is known as The Principle of Correspondence.

It means that everything in the universe follows the same patterns, from the smallest to the largest.

  • The structure of an atom resembles the structure of a solar system.
  • The human body mirrors the universe in its complexity and harmony.
  • The thoughts in your mind shape the events in your external world.

Whatever exists inside of you will reflect outside of you.

This is why:

A peaceful mind creates a peaceful life.
A fearful mind attracts fearful experiences.
A mind filled with love will experience more love in the world.

Your Outer World Reflects Your Inner World

If you want to change your life,
you must start by changing your inner world.

Here’s how this principle works in different areas:

1. Health

  • Your body is a reflection of your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.
  • Illness often stems from emotional distress, stress, or negative thinking.
  • Healing begins when you shift your thoughts toward well-being and peace.

💡 Affirmation for Health:
“I am strong, vibrant, and filled with life. My body is a reflection of divine perfection.”

2. Wealth

  • Your financial situation mirrors your beliefs about money.
  • If you think money is hard to get, it will be hard to get.
  • If you believe in abundance and opportunity, you will attract it.

💡 Affirmation for Wealth:
“Prosperity flows to me effortlessly. I am financially abundant and free.”

3. Relationships

  • The way people treat you is often a reflection of how you feel about yourself.
  • If you love and respect yourself, others will do the same.
  • If you expect betrayal, rejection, or mistreatment, you will unconsciously attract it.

💡 Affirmation for Love:
“I am loved, valued, and cherished. I radiate love, and love surrounds me.”

4. Success & Opportunities

  • Opportunities come to those who expect them.
  • People who believe in their success naturally attract success.
  • The universe mirrors your expectations.

💡 Affirmation for Success:
“I attract success effortlessly. Every opportunity comes at the perfect time.”

The Power of Harmony

Everything in the universe follows a natural rhythm.

  • The sun rises and sets.
  • The tides go in and out.
  • The seasons change in perfect order.

When you are in harmony with this natural flow,
life becomes effortless.

  • Struggles disappear.
  • Solutions appear easily.
  • You feel peace and balance.

But when you resist this natural flow, life becomes difficult.

  • You feel stressed, frustrated, and stuck.
  • Things feel like a constant battle.
  • Opportunities seem blocked.

Harmony is about aligning with the natural order of life.

Instead of forcing things to happen,
you allow things to unfold in divine timing.

How to Align with Harmony

If you want to experience a life of flow and ease,
you must align with the Principle of Harmony.

Here’s how:

  1. Accept What Is

    • Instead of resisting reality, accept it as part of your journey.
    • This doesn’t mean giving up—it means working with life, not against it.
  2. Trust Divine Timing

    • Everything happens at the perfect time.
    • If something isn’t happening yet, trust that it’s not the right time.
  3. Follow Your Intuition

    • Your intuition guides you to the right path.
    • When you listen to it, life flows smoothly.
  4. Surround Yourself with Peace

    • Spend time in nature.
    • Meditate, breathe deeply, and seek inner stillness.
  5. Express Gratitude

    • Gratitude aligns you with the energy of abundance.
    • The more grateful you are, the more blessings come to you.

The Law of Rhythm: Understanding Life’s Cycles

Everything in life moves in cycles.

Just as the ocean has high tides and low tides,
life has ups and downs.

Understanding this helps you navigate challenges with peace.

Instead of resisting the “low” moments, understand that:

  • Difficulties are temporary.
  • Struggles always lead to growth.
  • Every low phase is followed by an upward rise.

The key is to stay calm and centered, no matter what phase you are in.

💡 Affirmation for Peace:
“I trust the cycles of life. Everything is unfolding perfectly for my highest good.”

The Universe is a Mirror

Everything you see outside of you is a reflection of what’s happening inside of you.

If you change your inner world,
your outer world will change automatically.

  • Think abundance, and you will see abundance.
  • Think joy, and you will experience joy.
  • Think peace, and your life will be peaceful.

Your inner state is the cause.
Your external reality is the effect.

When you align with the Principle of Correspondence,
you stop chasing and start attracting.

You stop forcing, struggling, and worrying.

Instead, you trust that:

Everything you need is already on its way to you.
The universe is always working in your favor.
Life is meant to be joyful, abundant, and fulfilling.

Part 9: The Law of Cause and Effect – Understanding Karma

Everything You Do Comes Back to You

The Law of Cause and Effect is one of the most fundamental universal laws.

“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” (Newton’s Third Law of Motion)

This law applies not only to physics but also to thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Every thought, word, and deed you put into the world will return to you.

This is known as karma.

  • Good actions bring good results.
  • Negative actions bring negative results.
  • Everything you send out will eventually come back to you.

This law is not about punishment.
It is simply about balance.

If you plant an apple seed, you will grow an apple tree.

If you plant seeds of kindness, abundance, and love,
you will receive kindness, abundance, and love in return.

If you plant seeds of negativity, anger, and harm,
you will experience the same energy coming back to you.

This is why it is so important to be aware of:

Your thoughts.
Your words.
Your actions.

Understanding Karma – The Cycle of Energy

Karma is simply energy returning to its source.

  • If you radiate love, kindness, and generosity, that energy will return to you.
  • If you radiate fear, negativity, and selfishness, that energy will also return to you.

This is why forgiveness is powerful.

If someone has hurt you and you hold onto anger,
you are keeping yourself in a cycle of negative energy.

The energy you refuse to release will continue to affect your life.

But if you let go,
you break the cycle and free yourself from karmic patterns.

💡 Affirmation for Clearing Karma:
“I release all negative energy. I forgive and am forgiven. I am free.”

How to Use Karma to Your Advantage

If everything returns to you,
then you can consciously create good karma by putting positive energy into the world.

Here’s how:

1. Be Mindful of Your Thoughts

  • Your thoughts create energy that attracts similar experiences.
  • If you think positive, loving thoughts, you attract positive, loving situations.
  • If you think negative, fearful thoughts, you attract negativity and fear.

💡 Affirmation for Positive Thinking:
“I choose thoughts that uplift and empower me.”

2. Speak Words of Kindness and Encouragement

  • Every word you speak carries energy.
  • Words can heal or harm, uplift or destroy.
  • Make sure your words bring goodness into the world.

💡 Affirmation for Positive Speech:
“I speak words of love, kindness, and encouragement.”

3. Take Actions that Benefit Others

  • Every good deed you do creates positive karma.
  • When you help others, you invite blessings into your own life.

💡 Affirmation for Good Deeds:
“I give freely and receive abundantly.”

4. Let Go of the Past & Forgive

  • Holding onto anger or resentment creates karmic cycles.
  • Forgiveness is not about excusing someone’s behavior—it’s about freeing yourself.

💡 Affirmation for Forgiveness:
“I release all resentment and embrace peace.”

Breaking Negative Karmic Cycles

If you find yourself experiencing the same challenges repeatedly,
you may be caught in a karmic cycle.

To break it:

  1. Identify the pattern.

    • What situations keep repeating in your life?
    • What emotions are attached to them?
  2. Change your response.

    • If you react with fear, respond with love.
    • If you react with anger, respond with understanding.
  3. Clear the energy.

    • Meditate, affirm positive beliefs, and let go of past hurts.

💡 Affirmation for Releasing Karma:
“I release old patterns and step into a new reality.”

Nothing is Ever Lost

Many people fear loss.

  • Loss of money.
  • Loss of love.
  • Loss of opportunities.

But nothing is ever truly lost.

If something is taken from you,
it will return in a different way, at the right time.

The universe is always in perfect balance.

If you lose something, trust that:

Something better is on its way.
You are never without what you truly need.
Everything you give comes back multiplied.

💡 Affirmation for Trusting the Universe:
“Everything I need comes to me in divine timing.”

How to Create Good Karma Daily

Here are simple ways to create positive karma every day:

Smile at a stranger.
Speak kind words.
Give without expecting anything in return.
Practice gratitude.
Let go of resentment.
Help someone in need.

Every small act of love and kindness adds to your karmic energy.

You Are the Creator of Your Reality

The Law of Cause and Effect reminds us that:

  • We are responsible for our experiences.
  • Nothing happens by accident.
  • Everything we put into the world will come back to us.

This is not a punishment but a gift.

It means we have control over our destiny.

By choosing to:

Think positively.
Speak uplifting words.
Act with love and kindness.

We create a life filled with joy, abundance, and peace.

Part 10: The Law of Mentalism – Your Mind Creates Reality

Your Thoughts Are Creative Power

One of the most important metaphysical principles is:

“The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental.”

This means that everything begins with thought.

  • Your mind is the creator of your reality.
  • Every thought you think shapes your experiences.

This is called The Law of Mentalism.

It teaches that:

Thoughts are real.
Thoughts carry energy.
What you focus on expands.

The Mind is Like a Garden

Think of your mind as a garden.

  • Positive thoughts are seeds of success, love, health, and abundance.
  • Negative thoughts are weeds of fear, doubt, and failure.

Whatever you plant in your mind will grow.

If you allow negative thoughts to take root,
they will overtake your life like weeds in a garden.

But if you nurture positive, empowering thoughts,
you will harvest joy, success, and fulfillment.

💡 Affirmation for a Healthy Mind:
“I plant only positive, loving, and abundant thoughts in my mind.”

How Thoughts Shape Reality

Your thoughts lead to emotions.
Your emotions lead to actions.
Your actions lead to results.

Here’s how it works:

Thought Emotion Created Action Taken Result
"I am confident and capable." Feeling strong and empowered. Taking bold action. Achieving success.
"I always fail." Feeling discouraged and fearful. Avoiding opportunities. Experiencing failure.

This is why it is critical to control your thoughts.

How to Master the Law of Mentalism

If your mind creates your reality,
then you must learn to control your thoughts.

Here’s how:

1. Be Aware of Your Thoughts

  • Most people allow their thoughts to run on autopilot.
  • The first step to changing your reality is to notice what you are thinking.

💡 Ask yourself:

  • Are my thoughts empowering or limiting?
  • Am I focusing on problems or solutions?
  • Do I think in terms of fear or faith?

Once you become aware, you can begin to shift your thinking.

2. Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive Ones

Each time you catch yourself thinking a negative thought,
replace it with a positive one.


“I’m not good enough.”
“I am more than enough, and I am capable of great things.”

3. Visualize the Reality You Want

Since your thoughts create reality,
imagine the life you want as if it already exists.

  • See it in your mind.
  • Feel the emotions of having it.
  • Believe that it is already yours.

This process trains your subconscious mind
to make your vision a reality.

💡 Affirmation for Manifestation:
“I see, feel, and believe in the reality I desire.”

4. Speak Words of Power

Your thoughts create energy,
but your words give them even more power.

  • Speak about what you want, not what you fear.
  • Declare your desires with confidence.
  • Use affirmations to reinforce positive beliefs.

💡 Powerful Affirmations:
“I am a magnet for success and abundance.”
“Everything I desire is coming to me easily and effortlessly.”
“My mind is powerful, and I create my reality with ease.”

The Power of Belief

Your beliefs are the foundation of your reality.

  • If you believe you can succeed, you will.
  • If you believe you are worthy of love, you will attract love.
  • If you believe life is hard, it will be hard.

Your beliefs act as filters through which you see the world.

Change your beliefs, and you change your life.

💡 Affirmation for Empowering Beliefs:
“I believe in myself and the infinite possibilities of life.”

How to Shift Your Beliefs

If you have limiting beliefs,
you can reprogram your mind to create new, empowering ones.

Here’s how:

1️⃣ Identify the Limiting Belief

  • What belief is holding you back?
  • Example: “I’m not smart enough to be successful.”

2️⃣ Challenge the Belief

  • Ask yourself: Is this absolutely true?
  • Look for evidence that proves it wrong.

3️⃣ Replace It with a New Belief

  • Example: “I am intelligent, capable, and always learning.”

4️⃣ Reinforce It Daily

  • Use affirmations.
  • Visualize your success.
  • Surround yourself with positive influences.

💡 Affirmation for Confidence:
“I am intelligent, capable, and unstoppable.”

The Universe Responds to Your Mental State

The Law of Mentalism states that:

Your thoughts are powerful.
Your mind is the creator of your experiences.
The universe responds to the energy you radiate.

To create the life you want:

  • Think positive, powerful thoughts.
  • Believe in your success.
  • Act as if your desires are already coming true.

The universe has no choice but to match your energy.

Final Thoughts on Mentalism

The most important thing to remember is:

“Your mind is your greatest tool.”

Use it wisely, and you will:

Create abundance.
Manifest your dreams.
Experience a life of joy and fulfillment.

Everything begins within you.

The power is already yours.

Part 11: The Law of Vibration – Everything is Energy

Everything is Energy

One of the greatest truths in metaphysics is:

“Nothing rests. Everything moves. Everything vibrates.”

This is known as The Law of Vibration.

It teaches that:

Everything in the universe is made of energy.
Everything is in constant motion.
Your thoughts, emotions, and even your physical body vibrate at different frequencies.

Even things that appear solid and still—like a table or a rock—are actually moving at a microscopic level.

Your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs are vibrational energy.

This is why:

  • Positive thoughts vibrate at a high frequency.
  • Negative thoughts vibrate at a low frequency.

The energy you send out attracts similar energy back to you.

This is how The Law of Attraction works—
it is built upon the Law of Vibration.

Your Vibration Determines Your Reality

Think of yourself as a radio station.

  • If you tune into a low-frequency station, you will hear sad, fearful, or negative experiences.
  • If you tune into a high-frequency station, you will hear joy, success, and abundance.

Your life reflects the station you are tuned into.

To change your reality,
you must raise your vibration.

How to Raise Your Vibration

Since everything is energy,
you have the power to shift your own frequency.

Here are some ways to raise your vibration:

1. Choose Positive Thoughts

  • Your thoughts send out energy.
  • The more positive your thoughts, the higher your vibration.

💡 Affirmation for Positive Thinking:
“I choose thoughts that uplift and empower me.”

2. Surround Yourself with High-Vibe People

  • The people around you affect your energy.
  • Spend time with positive, loving, and uplifting people.

💡 Affirmation for Positive Connections:
“I attract relationships that inspire and support me.”

3. Speak Words of Love and Power

  • Words carry energy.
  • Speak words that uplift, encourage, and inspire.

💡 Affirmation for High-Vibe Speech:
“My words create love, healing, and success.”

4. Express Gratitude

  • Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations.
  • The more grateful you are, the higher your energy.

💡 Affirmation for Gratitude:
“I am grateful for all the blessings in my life.”

5. Listen to High-Frequency Music

  • Music has a powerful effect on vibration.
  • Classical music, uplifting melodies, and nature sounds raise your frequency.

💡 Try this:

  • Listen to 432 Hz or 528 Hz music—they are known as healing frequencies.

6. Meditate & Breathe Deeply

  • Meditation and deep breathing balance your energy.
  • The calmer and more centered you are, the higher your vibration.

💡 Affirmation for Inner Peace:
“I am calm, centered, and in perfect harmony.”

7. Spend Time in Nature

  • Nature carries a naturally high vibration.
  • Walk outside, touch the earth, and breathe in fresh air.

💡 Affirmation for Connection to Nature:
“I am one with the universe and all of creation.”

8. Eat High-Vibrational Foods

  • Food carries vibrational energy.
  • Fresh fruits, vegetables, and natural foods increase your vibration.
  • Processed and junk foods lower your vibration.

💡 Affirmation for Nourishment:
“I fuel my body with high-energy foods.”

9. Practice Acts of Kindness

  • Kindness instantly raises your vibration.
  • Helping others creates a ripple effect of positive energy.

💡 Affirmation for Kindness:
“I radiate love and kindness in all that I do.”

The Secret to Manifestation: Matching Your Energy

The Law of Vibration explains why:

You don’t attract what you want—you attract what you are.
To manifest something, you must match its vibration.

For example:

  • If you want love, you must radiate love.
  • If you want wealth, you must feel abundant.
  • If you want success, you must act as if you already have it.

💡 Affirmation for Alignment:
“I vibrate at the frequency of my desires.”

How to Align with What You Want

1️⃣ Decide what you want.

  • Be clear about your desires.

2️⃣ Feel the energy of already having it.

  • How would you feel if you already had what you want?
  • Feel those emotions now.

3️⃣ Take inspired action.

  • Follow the nudges and opportunities the universe gives you.

4️⃣ Trust the process.

  • The universe will bring your desires to you when the timing is right.

💡 Affirmation for Trust:
“Everything I desire is coming to me in perfect timing.”

Final Thoughts on the Law of Vibration

The energy you send out
is the energy that returns to you.

To create a joyful, abundant, and fulfilling life:

Raise your vibration.
Think, speak, and act in alignment with your desires.
Trust that the universe is responding to your energy.

Part 12: The Law of Correspondence – As Within, So Without

Your Outer World Reflects Your Inner World

One of the most profound metaphysical principles is:

"As above, so below. As within, so without."

This is known as The Law of Correspondence.

It teaches that:

Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world.
Your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs shape your reality.
If you want to change your life, you must first change within.

Everything in your external reality is a mirror of what is happening inside you.

If you feel peaceful and confident, your outer world will reflect success and harmony.
If you feel fearful and insecure, your outer world will reflect chaos and struggle.

Understanding the Mirrors of Life

The Law of Correspondence tells us that everything we experience is feedback.

If you don’t like what is happening in your life,
it is a sign that you need to change something within.

💡 Ask yourself:

  • What is this experience trying to teach me?
  • How is this a reflection of my inner beliefs?
  • What thoughts or emotions do I need to shift?

How to Apply the Law of Correspondence

If you want to change your external world,
you must start by changing your internal world.

Here’s how:

1. Take Responsibility for Your Reality

  • Nothing in your life is happening to you.
  • Everything is happening for you.
  • You have the power to change anything by changing yourself.

💡 Affirmation for Personal Responsibility:
"I take full responsibility for my thoughts, emotions, and experiences."

2. Identify Your Patterns

  • Look at recurring themes in your life.
  • What situations or struggles keep repeating?
  • These are messages from the universe about what you need to heal or change.

💡 Affirmation for Awareness:
"I recognize the patterns in my life and learn from them."

3. Change Your Inner Dialogue

  • Your self-talk creates your reality.
  • Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations.

💡 Instead of saying:
❌ "Nothing ever works out for me."
"Everything is working out for my highest good."

❌ "I am always struggling."
"I am always supported and provided for."

4. Elevate Your Emotions

  • Your emotions send out a vibration.
  • If you want to attract positive experiences, you must cultivate positive emotions.
  • Focus on love, joy, gratitude, and inner peace.

💡 Affirmation for Emotional Mastery:
"I choose emotions that uplift and empower me."

5. Surround Yourself with High-Energy Environments

  • The people, places, and media you consume affect your vibration.
  • If your surroundings are negative, your inner world will reflect that.
  • Choose inspiring books, music, and relationships.

💡 Affirmation for Positive Environments:
"I surround myself with people and energy that uplift me."

Your Body as a Reflection of Your Mind

Even your physical body reflects your inner state.

For example:

Inner State Physical Manifestation
Stress & Anxiety Tension, headaches, fatigue
Suppressed Anger Digestive issues, inflammation
Lack of Self-Love Weight issues, low energy
Fear & Worry Weakened immune system

If your body is experiencing illness or discomfort,
it may be a sign that something within you needs healing.

💡 Affirmation for Physical Healing:
"My body is a reflection of love, balance, and well-being."

How to Shift Your Reality

If you don’t like your external reality,
you can change it by changing your internal world.

Here’s a step-by-step process:

1️⃣ Observe Your Reality

  • What areas of your life feel out of alignment?
  • What emotions, beliefs, or thoughts could be contributing?

2️⃣ Decide What You Want Instead

  • Get clear on the new reality you want to create.

3️⃣ Shift Your Inner World

  • Change your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs to match that new reality.

4️⃣ Take Inspired Action

  • Align your actions with your new mindset.

5️⃣ Trust the Process

  • Give the universe time to reflect your inner transformation.

💡 Affirmation for Change:
"As I change within, my outer world transforms."

Final Thoughts on the Law of Correspondence

The outer world is simply a mirror of your inner world.

To create a life of joy, abundance, and peace:

Take responsibility for your thoughts and emotions.
Recognize patterns and lessons in your life.
Shift your inner beliefs and self-talk.
Surround yourself with positivity and high vibrations.

When you change within,
your entire world will change.

Part 13: The Law of Cause and Effect – Every Action Has a Reaction

Nothing Happens by Chance

One of the most fundamental metaphysical laws is:

"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."

This is known as The Law of Cause and Effect.

It teaches that:

Every thought, word, and action creates an effect.
Nothing in life is random—everything happens for a reason.
What you send out, you will receive in return.

This law is also known as karma.

The Energy You Put Out Comes Back to You

Every action you take,
every thought you think,
every word you speak
creates a ripple effect in the universe.

This is why:

  • If you spread love, kindness, and positivity, you will receive love, kindness, and positivity.
  • If you spread negativity, gossip, and harm, you will receive the same energy in return.

The universe is like a mirror—
it reflects back to you the energy you project.

💡 Affirmation for Positive Energy:
“I send out love, kindness, and positivity, and it returns to me multiplied.”

How to Use the Law of Cause and Effect to Your Advantage

Since everything you do creates an effect,
you can use this law to shape your destiny.

Here’s how:

1. Become Conscious of Your Actions

  • Many people live unconsciously, reacting to life on autopilot.
  • Start becoming aware of the energy you are putting out.

💡 Ask yourself:

  • Are my thoughts empowering or limiting?
  • Are my words uplifting or harmful?
  • Are my actions creating positive or negative outcomes?

💡 Affirmation for Awareness:
“I am mindful of my thoughts, words, and actions.”

2. Take Responsibility for Your Life

  • Your life is not happening to you—it is happening because of you.
  • Everything you experience is a result of past causes.
  • When you take responsibility, you regain control.

💡 Affirmation for Empowerment:
“I take full responsibility for my life and my choices.”

3. Create Positive Causes for a Positive Future

  • If you want success, take successful actions.
  • If you want love, act with love.
  • If you want abundance, give freely and believe in abundance.

💡 Affirmation for Creating Positive Outcomes:
“I consciously create positive causes that bring me joy and success.”

4. Understand Delayed Effects

  • Sometimes, the effects of our actions take time to appear.
  • Just because you don’t see instant results, doesn’t mean they aren’t coming.
  • Be patient and trust that the universe is always working.

💡 Affirmation for Trusting the Process:
“I trust that my positive actions will bring positive results in divine timing.”

The Law of Cause and Effect in Relationships

Everything you give in a relationship
will eventually be returned to you.

What You Give What You Receive
Love & Kindness Love & Kindness
Honesty & Trust Honesty & Trust
Criticism & Neglect Distance & Resentment
Respect & Support Deep Connection

If you want better relationships,
start by giving the energy you wish to receive.

💡 Affirmation for Healthy Relationships:
“I give love, respect, and kindness, and it returns to me effortlessly.”

How to Break Negative Cycles

If you feel stuck in negative patterns,
it’s because you are repeating the same causes.

To change the cycle, you must change the cause.

Here’s how:

1️⃣ Recognize the Pattern

  • What keeps happening over and over in your life?
  • What actions, beliefs, or attitudes could be causing it?

2️⃣ Choose a New Action

  • If you’ve been negative, try positivity.
  • If you’ve been fearful, try confidence.
  • If you’ve been hesitant, try bold action.

3️⃣ Stay Consistent

  • The universe rewards persistent, positive change.

💡 Affirmation for Breaking Negative Patterns:
“I release old patterns and create a new, positive reality.”

Final Thoughts on the Law of Cause and Effect

Every thought, word, and action creates an effect.
The energy you send out comes back to you.
You have the power to create positive causes for a positive future.
Your life is a reflection of the choices you make.

To change your life, change your causes.

The universe always responds.

Part 14: The Law of Compensation – You Reap What You Sow

What You Give, You Receive

The Law of Compensation is a continuation of the Law of Cause and Effect.

It teaches that:

You will always be compensated for the effort and energy you put into the world.
The universe rewards you in proportion to what you give.
Good deeds, thoughts, and actions will always bring positive returns.

Everything in life operates on balance and fairness.

"Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." — Galatians 6:7

Whatever you sow (your actions, thoughts, and emotions),
you will eventually reap (the rewards or consequences).

Compensation Comes in Many Forms

Many people think of compensation only in terms of money.

But the universe compensates in many ways, including:

  • Love ❤️
  • Opportunities
  • Friendships 🤝
  • Knowledge 📚
  • Success 🏆
  • Health 🌿
  • Happiness 😊

Everything you experience is compensation for the energy you have given out.

💡 Affirmation for Abundance:
“The universe rewards me for all the good I give.”

How to Use the Law of Compensation to Your Advantage

If you want to receive more in life,
you must first give more.

Here’s how:

1. Give Without Expecting Immediate Returns

  • True giving comes from a place of love, not obligation.
  • The universe rewards those who give without attachment.

💡 Affirmation for Giving Freely:
“I give with love and trust that abundance flows back to me.”

2. Work Hard and With Integrity

  • The quality of your work determines the quality of your rewards.
  • The universe rewards effort, honesty, and persistence.

💡 Affirmation for Success:
“I give my best in all that I do, and I am richly rewarded.”

3. Express Gratitude for What You Have

  • Gratitude is a magnet for more blessings.
  • The more you appreciate what you have, the more the universe gives you.

💡 Affirmation for Gratitude:
“I am thankful for my blessings, and more abundance flows to me.”

4. Help Others Succeed

  • The more you help others, the more the universe helps you.
  • Life compensates generosity with greater opportunities.

💡 Affirmation for Helping Others:
“As I uplift others, I too am uplifted.”

5. Keep a Positive Mindset

  • If you expect lack and struggle, you will receive lack and struggle.
  • If you expect prosperity and joy, you will receive prosperity and joy.

💡 Affirmation for a Positive Mindset:
“I expect only good, and good flows to me effortlessly.”

The Law of Compensation and Money

Since money is a form of energy,
it follows the Law of Compensation.

Here’s how to attract financial abundance:

Give value – The more value you create, the more money flows to you.
Develop skills – The more skilled you are, the more you will be compensated.
Believe in abundance – Your financial situation reflects your mindset.
Be generous – Giving activates the cycle of receiving.

💡 Affirmation for Wealth:
“I am open to receiving unlimited financial abundance.”

Why Some People Struggle Financially

People who experience financial hardship often:

❌ Believe in lack and limitation.
❌ Feel unworthy of wealth.
❌ Are afraid to give (holding onto money out of fear).
❌ Focus on problems instead of opportunities.

To shift your financial reality,
you must first change your beliefs.

💡 Affirmation for Financial Freedom:
“Money flows to me easily and effortlessly.”

Final Thoughts on the Law of Compensation

What you give, you will receive.
The universe rewards effort, honesty, and generosity.
Abundance flows to those who believe in abundance.
Helping others succeed brings you greater success.

To attract greater compensation in life,
you must first give more of yourself.

The universe is always fair and always rewarding.

Part 15: The Law of Attraction – Like Attracts Like

You Create Your Reality

One of the most well-known metaphysical principles is:

“Like attracts like.”

This is known as The Law of Attraction.

It teaches that:

Your thoughts create your reality.
Whatever you focus on, you attract into your life.
Positive thoughts attract positive experiences.
Negative thoughts attract negative experiences.

You are constantly creating your life with your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.

How the Law of Attraction Works

Think of your mind as a magnet.

✔️ When you think positive thoughts, you attract positive outcomes.
When you think negative thoughts, you attract negative outcomes.

This law is always working, whether you realize it or not.

For example:

  • If you expect success, opportunities will appear.
  • If you expect failure, obstacles will arise.
  • If you believe you are loved, you will attract loving people.
  • If you fear rejection, you will attract situations that make you feel rejected.

💡 Affirmation for Manifesting Positivity:
“I attract joy, success, and abundance effortlessly.”

How to Use the Law of Attraction to Your Advantage

If you want to manifest your desires,
you must align your thoughts and emotions with what you want.

Here’s how:

1. Get Clear on What You Want

  • Be specific about what you want to attract.
  • The universe responds best to clear and focused intentions.

💡 Affirmation for Clarity:
“I am clear about my desires, and they flow to me easily.”

2. Visualize Your Desired Outcome

  • Close your eyes and imagine yourself already having what you want.
  • Feel the emotions of joy, gratitude, and excitement.

💡 Affirmation for Visualization:
“I see and feel my dreams as already achieved.”

3. Act As If You Already Have It

  • Embody the mindset, habits, and energy of the person who has already received their desires.
  • Take aligned action that supports your goals.

💡 Affirmation for Embodying Success:
“I act with confidence, knowing my desires are on their way.”

4. Remove Negative Thoughts and Doubts

  • Doubt and fear block the Law of Attraction.
  • Shift your focus from what you don’t want to what you do want.

💡 Affirmation for Eliminating Doubt:
“I release fear and trust that the universe is working in my favor.”

5. Be Grateful in Advance

  • Gratitude is a powerful attractor of abundance.
  • Feel grateful for what you have now and what is coming.

💡 Affirmation for Gratitude:
“I am thankful for the blessings that are already on their way.”

Why Some People Struggle to Manifest Their Desires

People who have difficulty manifesting often:

Focus on what they don’t want instead of what they do want.
Feel unworthy of receiving their desires.
Send mixed signals to the universe (changing their mind frequently).
Let fear and doubt overpower their faith.

To manifest successfully, you must:

✔️ Be clear about your desires.
✔️ Stay consistent in your beliefs.
✔️ Trust in the process.

💡 Affirmation for Trusting the Universe:
“I trust that my desires are being fulfilled in divine timing.”

The Law of Attraction and Relationships

You attract people who match your energy.

If you want to attract:

✔️ Loving relationships → Be a loving person.
✔️ Trustworthy friends → Be trustworthy.
✔️ Respect from others → Respect yourself and others.

If you find yourself in toxic relationships,
it’s a sign that you need to heal something within yourself.

💡 Affirmation for Healthy Relationships:
“I attract loving and supportive relationships effortlessly.”

How to Manifest More Money

Money is energy.

To attract financial abundance:

✔️ Believe you are worthy of wealth.
✔️ Release limiting beliefs about money.
✔️ Be grateful for the money you already have.
✔️ Take inspired action to create financial opportunities.

💡 Affirmation for Wealth:
“Money flows to me easily and abundantly.”

Final Thoughts on the Law of Attraction

Your thoughts create your reality.
What you focus on expands.
Positive thoughts attract positive outcomes.
Gratitude, belief, and action speed up manifestation.

You have the power to create the life you desire. Align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your dreams, and the universe will bring them to you.

Part 16: The Law of Rhythm – Everything Has Its Season

The Flow of Life

The Law of Rhythm states that:

Everything in life moves in cycles.
There is a natural flow of ups and downs.
Nothing remains stagnant—change is inevitable.

This law can be seen everywhere:

  • The seasons change from spring to summer, fall, and winter.
  • The ocean has high tides and low tides.
  • Our moods, energy, and motivation go through phases.

Life moves in rhythmic patterns, like the waves of the ocean.

If you understand this law, you can navigate life with ease and confidence.

How the Law of Rhythm Affects Your Life

Everything in your life follows a natural rhythm, including:

✔️ Your emotions – You will experience highs and lows.
✔️ Your finances – Money will flow in and out.
✔️ Your health – You will have times of high energy and times of rest.
✔️ Your relationships – Some seasons will be filled with love, while others may be challenging.

Understanding this law helps you stay calm during difficult times.

💡 Affirmation for Trusting the Flow of Life:
“I trust that everything happens in perfect timing.”

How to Use the Law of Rhythm to Your Advantage

If life has ups and downs,
then the key is to move with the flow rather than resist it.

Here’s how:

1. Accept That Challenges Are Temporary

  • If you are going through a difficult time, know that it won’t last forever.
  • Just like winter is followed by spring, tough times will be followed by better times.

💡 Affirmation for Patience:
“I embrace every season of life with peace and patience.”

2. Take Advantage of High Points

  • When things are going well, use that momentum to grow, create, and move forward.
  • This is the time to take action and make progress on your goals.

💡 Affirmation for Taking Action:
“I maximize the high points in my life with confidence and enthusiasm.”

3. Slow Down During Low Points

  • When you feel tired, unmotivated, or stuck, don’t force things.
  • Use this time to rest, reflect, and recharge.

💡 Affirmation for Rest and Renewal:
“I honor my need for rest and trust that new energy will return.”

4. Stay Emotionally Balanced

  • Don’t get too discouraged during low points.
  • Don’t get too reckless during high points.
  • Maintain a calm, centered mindset.

💡 Affirmation for Emotional Balance:
“I remain peaceful and grounded through all of life’s changes.”

The Law of Rhythm and Success

Success follows a rhythmic cycle.

No one experiences constant success without setbacks.

  • Great athletes have winning seasons and losing seasons.
  • Businesses experience growth and decline.
  • Artists and writers go through creative bursts and dry spells.

The key is to keep going, even when things slow down.

💡 Affirmation for Perseverance:
“I stay committed to my goals, no matter what season I am in.”

The Law of Rhythm and Relationships

Relationships also go through cycles.

  • There are seasons of deep connection and seasons of distance.
  • There are times of harmony and times of challenge.

Understanding this law helps you:

✔️ Stay patient during difficult phases.
✔️ Appreciate and nurture your relationships in good times.
✔️ Recognize when to give space and when to reconnect.

💡 Affirmation for Strong Relationships:
“I embrace the natural flow of relationships with love and understanding.”

Final Thoughts on the Law of Rhythm

Life moves in cycles—there will always be ups and downs.
Difficult times don’t last forever—better times are always ahead.
Success, relationships, and emotions all follow rhythmic patterns.
The key is to move with the flow instead of resisting change.

If you embrace the Law of Rhythm,
you will find peace and confidence in every season of life.

Part 18: The Law of Gender – Balance Between Masculine and Feminine Energies

Understanding Masculine and Feminine Energy

The Law of Gender states that:

Everything in the universe contains both masculine and feminine energies.
These energies must be balanced for harmony and creation.
Gender does not refer only to physical sex but to universal energies.

Every person, regardless of biological sex, has both:

  • Masculine Energy (Yang) – Logic, action, structure, discipline.
  • Feminine Energy (Yin) – Intuition, creativity, flow, nurture.

These energies work together to create balance in life.

💡 Affirmation for Balance:
“I embrace and balance both my masculine and feminine energies.”

How the Law of Gender Affects Your Life

This law influences:

✔️ Your thoughts – Logic (masculine) vs. Intuition (feminine).
✔️ Your actions – Doing (masculine) vs. Being (feminine).
✔️ Your creativity – Structure (masculine) vs. Flow (feminine).
✔️ Your relationships – Giving (masculine) vs. Receiving (feminine).

Both energies are necessary for personal growth, relationships, and success.

💡 Affirmation for Embracing Both Energies:
“I allow myself to be both strong and soft, logical and intuitive.”

How to Balance Masculine and Feminine Energies

If one energy dominates too much,
you will feel imbalanced.

Here’s how to create harmony:

1. Strengthen Your Feminine Energy

(If you feel overly rigid, logical, or disconnected from emotions)

✔️ Slow down – Embrace stillness and mindfulness.
✔️ Trust intuition – Make space for inner guidance.
✔️ Be open to receiving – Allow others to help you.
✔️ Express emotions – Don’t suppress your feelings.
✔️ Engage in creativity – Paint, dance, write, or play music.

💡 Affirmation for Feminine Energy:
“I trust my intuition and allow myself to flow with life.”

2. Strengthen Your Masculine Energy

(If you feel unmotivated, scattered, or overly emotional)

✔️ Take action – Set goals and follow through.
✔️ Create structure – Use routines and discipline.
✔️ Set boundaries – Stand firm in your decisions.
✔️ Be decisive – Make confident choices.
✔️ Take responsibility – Own your life and choices.

💡 Affirmation for Masculine Energy:
“I take bold action and create structure in my life.”

The Law of Gender and Relationships

Healthy relationships require a balance of masculine and feminine energy.

Attraction happens when there is polarity:

✔️ A strong masculine presence attracts a strong feminine presence.
✔️ Too much sameness in energy leads to disconnection.

To improve your relationship:

  • If you are too masculine, soften and allow more receiving, nurturing, and emotional depth.
  • If you are too feminine, develop stronger boundaries, decisiveness, and confidence.

💡 Affirmation for Harmonious Relationships:
“I create balanced and fulfilling relationships by embracing both energies.”

The Law of Gender and Success

To manifest success, you need both energies:

✔️ Masculine Energy – Action, focus, and discipline help you move forward.
✔️ Feminine Energy – Intuition, creativity, and patience allow ideas to develop.

If you work too hard (masculine), you may burn out.
If you only dream without action (feminine), nothing happens.

The key is balance.

💡 Affirmation for Success:
“I combine action with intuition to create success effortlessly.”

Final Thoughts on the Law of Gender

Both masculine and feminine energies exist in everyone.
Balance between logic and intuition creates harmony.
Polarity in relationships creates attraction.
Success requires both structure and creativity.

When you embrace both energies,
you unlock your full potential.

Part 19: The Law of Cause and Effect – Every Action Has a Reaction

Understanding the Law of Cause and Effect

The Law of Cause and Effect states that:

Every action creates a reaction.
Everything that happens has a cause.
Nothing happens by chance—there is always a reason.

This is often referred to as karma,
but it applies to all aspects of life, not just morality.

Every thought, word, and action sets something into motion.

💡 Affirmation for Responsibility:
“I am the creator of my reality, and my choices shape my future.”

How the Law of Cause and Effect Shapes Your Life

This law governs:

✔️ Your relationships – Your energy attracts similar energy.
✔️ Your success – Your daily habits determine your results.
✔️ Your health – Your body responds to what you eat and how you treat it.
✔️ Your emotions – What you focus on expands.
✔️ Your spiritual growth – The lessons you learn shape your evolution.

💡 Affirmation for Awareness:
“I am mindful of my actions, knowing they shape my future.”

How to Use the Law of Cause and Effect to Your Advantage

If every action creates a reaction,
then you can shape your future by making better choices today.

Here’s how:

1. Take Full Responsibility for Your Life

  • Stop blaming external forces for your circumstances.
  • Accept that your past actions created your present reality.
  • Empower yourself to create a better future.

💡 Affirmation for Ownership:
“I take full responsibility for my life and my choices.”

2. Make Conscious Choices

  • Every choice you make has consequences.
  • Before acting, ask yourself:
    “Will this action bring me closer to my goals or further away?”

💡 Affirmation for Conscious Decisions:
“I make choices that align with my highest good.”

3. Focus on Positive Causes to Create Positive Effects

  • If you want abundance, develop a habit of generosity.
  • If you want love, be loving and kind to others.
  • If you want success, cultivate discipline and effort.

💡 Affirmation for Positive Action:
“I plant seeds of positivity and watch them grow.”

The Law of Cause and Effect in Relationships

Your interactions with people set the tone for how they respond to you.

✔️ If you are kind and supportive, people will reflect that back to you.
✔️ If you are critical and negative, you will receive the same energy in return.
✔️ If you give love freely, you will attract loving relationships.

💡 Affirmation for Healthy Relationships:
“I treat others with love and respect, and it is returned to me.”

The Law of Cause and Effect and Success

There is no such thing as luck.

Successful people create their success by:

✔️ Taking consistent action.
✔️ Learning from failure.
✔️ Staying disciplined and focused.

If you put in effort and persistence,
success must follow—it is the law.

💡 Affirmation for Success:
“My consistent efforts create lasting success.”

Final Thoughts on the Law of Cause and Effect

Nothing happens by chance—every action has a consequence.
You create your future by the choices you make today.
Taking responsibility for your actions empowers you.
Positive actions lead to positive outcomes.

Your thoughts, words, and actions shape your reality.

Choose wisely, and your life will unfold in beautiful ways.

Part 20: The Law of Divine Oneness – Everything is Connected

Understanding the Law of Divine Oneness

The Law of Divine Oneness states that:

Everything in the universe is connected.
We are all part of the same infinite source.
What you do to others, you do to yourself.

There is no separation between you and the rest of existence.

Everything you think, feel, and do affects the whole.

💡 Affirmation for Oneness:
“I am one with the universe, and all things are connected.”

How the Law of Divine Oneness Affects Your Life

This law influences:

✔️ Your thoughts – Your energy affects the collective consciousness.
✔️ Your actions – The way you treat others affects the way life treats you.
✔️ Your emotions – The love you give is the love you receive.
✔️ Your reality – What you believe about the world shapes your experience of it.

When you realize that everything is connected,
you begin to live with more compassion and awareness.

💡 Affirmation for Awareness:
“I see the divine in everyone and everything.”

How to Use the Law of Divine Oneness to Your Advantage

If everything is connected,
then the way you think and act affects the entire world.

Here’s how to align with this powerful law:

1. See Yourself in Others

  • Every person you meet is a reflection of you.
  • When you see kindness in someone, it exists in you.
  • When you judge someone, you are judging yourself.

💡 Affirmation for Compassion:
“I recognize the light in others as a reflection of my own.”

2. Spread Positivity to the World

  • Every thought you send out ripples through the universe.
  • If you send out love, kindness, and peace, it spreads.
  • If you send out anger, hate, or fear, that energy affects the collective.

💡 Affirmation for Positive Impact:
“I send out love and light, knowing it uplifts the world.”

3. Understand That You Are Never Alone

  • You are always connected to the infinite source.
  • Even in your darkest moments, you are supported by the universe.
  • Every experience in life is happening for you, not to you.

💡 Affirmation for Trust:
“I am divinely guided and always connected to the universe.”

The Law of Divine Oneness and Relationships

The way you treat others is the way you treat yourself.

✔️ If you forgive others, you will feel free.
✔️ If you judge others, you will feel judged.
✔️ If you show love, you will receive love in return.

💡 Affirmation for Harmonious Relationships:
“I treat others with love, knowing we are one.”

The Law of Divine Oneness and Success

Your success is connected to the success of others.

✔️ When you uplift others, you uplift yourself.
✔️ When you share your gifts, you receive abundance in return.
✔️ When you contribute to the world, the universe rewards you.

💡 Affirmation for Abundance:
“I give generously, knowing that I am always supported.”

Final Thoughts on the Law of Divine Oneness

Everything in the universe is connected.
Your thoughts and actions affect the whole.
The way you treat others reflects back to you.
When you live in alignment with this truth, life flows with harmony.

By understanding this law,
you will begin to see life through the eyes of love, unity, and peace.

You are not separate from the universe—you are part of it.

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